Welcome to Calm-Ey Website!
Ever felt overwhelmed by concerns about climate change? You are not alone!
Climate worry, a fear of climate change and its impact on our environment, influences and affects mental heath and well-being more than expected. Worldwide, 59% of youth declared to be “very worried” (Hickam, C. et al., 2021).
If you wish to learn how to overcome climate worry and improve your well-being, you can check out our free-to-use resources, to strengthen your mental resilience against climate worry!
If you work with youth, these resources will empower you in supporting young people against climate worry.
“What you do makes a difference, and you have to decide what kind of difference you want to make.”
-Jane Goodall, Scientist & Activist

Calm-Ey highlights

Training Programme
The Training Programme and Handbook will have a direct impact on specialists working with youngsters, youth workers, and mental health professionals who will gain a better understanding of climate distress and its mental and social implications.

Self-help workbook for youth
The Support Methodology Guidelines and Self-help Workbook aim to develop self-help techniques to improve both individual and social coping skills. Furthermore, it will provide young individuals suffering from ecoanxiety the essential tools for enhancing their mental health through self-help and self-paced resources.

Online Resource
The production of digital content is important in today’s age where digitisation ensures high-quality and specialised content as a tool to support professionals, people and communities involved.
Latest News

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Coping with Climate Worry Training – Dresden, Germany On Thursday, November 28th, Kultur Centrale hosted the CALM-EY training session, titled…

Compass for Climate Chaos: A Transformative Summer Camp in Denmark From June 20th to 24th, 23 participants and facilitators gathered…

CALL FOR PARTICIPANTS • COMPASS FOR CLIMATE CHAOS IN DENMARK Are you passionate about climate change issues? Do you feel…

The project “Calm-ey: Coping with Climate Anxiety Learning Methods for the Mental Health of the European Youth” is officially underway!…
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Coping with Climate Worry Training – Dresden, Germany On Thursday, November 28th, Kultur Centrale hosted the CALM-EY training session, titled…

Compass for Climate Chaos: A Transformative Summer Camp in Denmark From June 20th to 24th, 23 participants and facilitators gathered…