NOAH Friends of the Earth Denmark

NOAH Friends of the Earth Denmark is a Danish environmental organisation that has worked with environmental issues since 1969. NOAH is fighting for a world based on local and democratic solutions. This includes eg. local, collectively owned renewable energy and agricultural cooperatives based on agroecology with short production chains that create food sovereignty. Agriculture must ensure healthy and sustainable food for all, while improving biodiversity, water quality and soil fertility. NOAH has a wide range of environmental education offers for children and young people, including online and offline teaching material and workshops in the formal education sector (both for primary school, secondary education and higher education). In addition, we offer informal education through collaborations with, among other things, colleges on teaching courses and activist courses both in Denmark and abroad. Furthermore, NOAH conducts summer schools, nature schools, debate evenings and the like, where we can draw a whole lot of experience into the work with the planned activities.