Coping with Climate Anxiety: Learning Methods for Mental Health Health for European Youth

Jugend- & Kulturprojekt e.V.

Jugend- & Kulturprojekt e.V. – JKPeV is a non-governmental organisation founded in 2004 in Dresden, Germany dedicated to Education, Culture and Art. JKPeV aims to provide opportunities for young people and adults with a focus on disadvantaged groups to develop their soft and professional skills, digital and ICT skills and stimulate their creativity and entrepreneurial skills, raise their awareness on history, remembrance, human rights, justice and environment through different forms of art, digital media and non-formal learning methods. We design, organise and implement international Projects, Events and Trainings for young people, adults, emerging artists, young people and adults with fewer opportunities (NEETs, migrants and refugees, minorities, Young People with Visual, Hearing and Physical Impairments, LGBTIQ groups etc.) trainers and youth workers on site and abroad with a focus on promoting EU citizenship and active participation of each citizens and assisting the cultural enrichment of the city of Dresden and the Free State of Saxony while also promoting the cultural diversity of the European Union.