Coping with Climate Worry Training – Dresden, Germany
On Thursday, November 28th, Kultur Centrale hosted the CALM-EY training session, titled “Coping with Climate Worry: Unveiling Emotions and Techniques.”
This workshop gathered educators, youth workers, and professionals united by their dedication to addressing the emotional challenges of climate change, particularly among young people.
The session explored climate worry, its origins and the diverse range of emotions it encompasses. Some methods were shared with the goal of understanding how to transform climate-related anxiety into a source of empowerment and constructive action. Through engaging discussions and hands-on exercises, participants gained insights into practical techniques for managing emotions and fostering resilience in the face of climate challenges.
The workshop underscored the universal relevance of climate worry, emphasizing that it affects people across all age groups. It also highlighted the importance of accessible, collaborative methods to help individuals navigate the psychological impacts of climate change effectively.
We are happy to have shared the CALM-EY training materials, assembled by researchers, psychologists and youth educators, designed to offer universal resources that support individuals in their everyday emotional well-being. These tools aim to empower communities everywhere, fostering understanding and resilience in response to climate-related emotions.
Our heartfelt thanks go to all participants for their thoughtful engagement and their commitment to creating a more resilient, hopeful future. Together, we are building the skills, tools, and networks needed to transform climate worry into meaningful action and positive change.