Toimetulek kliimaärevusega: õppemeetodid vaimse tervise jaoks

External Resources

A Recipe for Difficult Times "Anxiety Soup"

"Anxiety Soup" is a text by Alice Walker, an African American novelist, short story writer, poet, and social activist. She is renowned for her novel "The Color Purple" and has produced a diverse range of literary works, including "Anxiety Soup." In this piece, Alice Walker presents a recipe for coping with anxious times, comprising elements such as dance, meditation, soup, and snuggling.


The FINER project proposes the development of three unique learning products, that will engage both young adults and the educators who support them, to address the well-being needs of young adults in the post-pandemic society. These education interventions, called Project Results, are as follows: E-Book, 3D Mall and a Tool Kit

Eco-anxiety to Climate Optimism | Lyn Stoler | TEDxManhattanBeach

Climate change impacts mental health, causing solastalgia, distress from environmental changes. Eco-anxiety, fear of environmental disasters and the future, increases. 75% of youth feel climate change hampers their future. But fret not! In her video, Liz Stoler presents community solutions to shift from climate pessimism to optimism. Together, we can drive change!