Toimetulek kliimaärevusega: õppemeetodid vaimse tervise jaoks

Training of Trainers: CALM-EY goes European!

From the 29th of April to the 2nd of May, the training of trainers took place in Tallinn, Estonia, hosted by MTÜ Peaasjad. This training was developed under the Erasmus+ funded project CALM EY and brought together trainers, youth workers and mental health professionals from Estonia (Eesti Roheline Liikumine), Denmark (Miljøbevægelsen NOAH) Germany (Jugend & Kulturprojekt e.V) and Malta (Friends of the Earth Malta) to acquire and develop new skills aimed at supporting youngsters struggling with climate anxiety.

Mental health professionals and experts in climate change facilitated the sessions, providing participants with resources and hands-on experience that will later help them pilot similar training aimed at youth workers in their home country.

Karola Kivilo and Madis Vasser presented an overview of climate change and anxiety, explaining how these emotions can be transformed into catalysts for positive action
The complexity of emotions associated with climate fear was then presented. Participants took part in role-playing exercises, aiming to understand how to engage in an open dialogue, despite having different views on addressing global warming. This was an inspiring practice to find a common ground and collaborate towards a more positive outcome.

Emmeline Werner introduced the group to “The Work that Reconnects”, a practice designed by Joanna Macy to help people find their inner power and regain hope. This healing process illustrates how feelings of overwhelm can be transformed into collaborative action.

Participants were introduced to creative exercises that allowed them to process and express their emotions, from grief to gratitude. This led to group practices in active listening, reinforcing the importance of empathy.

For three days, we were immersed in a transformative and deeply engaging environment, a safe space for sharing our emotions. The welcoming atmosphere fostered open dialogue between participants. The training marked the beginning of a journey that supports and empowers young people at risk of burnout or significantly challenged by their climate activism. It encourages them to harness their emotions to foster cooperation, take action, and preserve their care for the world.
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